SwiftQPrimary was designed to make classroom pre-order and collection of meals a simple and speedy process. The process is simple to understand as well:
Step 1 The class teacher can activate the app during registration and select their class from a drop-down list.
Step 2 They can now select a meal on behalf of a child, or the child can come up to the white board, select their photo and name and choose what meal they want to eat.
Step 3 They can select from as many meal options as you wish to present including Hot, Cold, Halal, Vegan, Vegetarian, No Meal, Absent.
Step 4 Any meals with allergies that are relevant to a child are locked and cannot be selected. They can however, select an alternative meal option.
Step 5 Once all students have confirmed their choice, the class teacher can review a selection summary and close the application down. All meal choices are now sent to the kitchen to be prepared by staff.
Step 6 As students come into the dining hall to collect their lunch, they are identified by their photo on a school device such as a tablet (We can supply a tablet for a nominal fee).
Step 7 As they collect their meal a member of school staff selects the photo of the child and selects the relevant action... Meal Taken, Absent or No Meal Taken.
Step 8 All meals taken are recorded in real-time and enable the school/trust/caterer to run detailed reports by date and time with all relevant meal choices and student name.